President & CEO of Honeywell Transportation Systems Visited SEU

Publisher:Release time:2009-05-07Number of Views:1103


On April 15, a group of senior officials from Honeywell Corporation paid a special visit to SEU. The delegation comprised Adriane Brown, President & CEO of Honeywell Transportation Systems, Mark Howes, President of Aerospace of APAC, Joe Toubes, VP of Honeywell Transportation Systems, Michael Lee, Vice President & General Manager of Sensing & Control - Asia Pacific and Latifah Daud, Staffing Director of Asia Pacific.
The gusets came for the purpose of publicizing Honeywell-Nobel Initiative, a non-profitable move aimed at spreading scientific spirit and promoting global education by inviting Nobel Prize winners to give lectures and conduct academic exchanges at 18 top universities from China, India, Czech Republic, US and Mexico.
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