2009 China-German Bilateral Symposium on Bio-electronics and Bio-materials Held at SEU

Publisher:Release time:2009-10-12Number of Views:1042


Sponsored by Sino-German Center for Research Promotion and headed by State Key Laboratory of Bioelectronics, 2009 China-German Bilateral  Symposium on Bio-electronics and Bio-materials(CGBSBB’ 2009)was held at SEU from August 21st to 26th 2009. The symposium invited about 100 distinguished experts and scholars from University of Wildau, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Oldenburg University, Max Planck Institute, Julich Research Center, Leipzig University; Southeast University, Nanjing University, Chongchun Institute of Applied Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences, Southeast Jiaotong University and third-party participants, including Finland and Hong Kong Baptist University.
Prof. Lu Zuhong from SEU predided over the opening ceremony. Liu Bo, Vice-president of SEU, delivered a welcome speech. Prof. Chen Hongyuan, Honorary Chairman of the symposium and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Prof. Wittstock, Chairman of the Symposium from German side, made a speech successively. In the following five days after the symposium, 30 academic reports were contributed by the scholars from both Chinese and German side, covering all aspects of Bio-electronics and Bio-materials research.
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