International Students from SEU Enter the Final of the Second Chinese Language Contest for International Students

Publisher:Release time:2009-10-12Number of Views:1444


 Sponsored by CCTV-4 and National Office for Teaching Chinese as Foreign Language (NOCFL), the preliminary contest in Jiangsu subsite of the Second Chinese Language Contest for International Students, was held in Nanjing from June 7th to 9th,. 55 international students from seven universities including SEU, Nanjing University, Nanjing Normal University, Suzhou University, Hohai University, Nanjing University of Science and Technology and Nanjing Agricultural University participated in this contest. After two days’ competition, seven contesters were selected for the final. Alexander, a Nigerian student from School of Economics and Management, SEU, successfully entered the final contest with his outstanding talent for Chinese. After the contest, camera crew from CCTV-4 came to conduct location shooting in SEU and interviewed Alexander, the finalist.
 The final contest would be held in Beijing from August 10th  to September 10th . On the occasion, the leaders from Ministry of Education, State Administration of Radio Film and Television of China (SARFT), CCTV, NOCFL(headquarter of Confucius Institute), international envoys to China would attend the final. The final and award show would be broadcasted live globally by CCTV-4. Meanwhile, two episodes of documentary would also be played, which recorded the school life of these finalists.
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