Third International Seminar of AS Contemporary Architectural Theory Forum Held at SEU

Publisher:唐瑭Release time:2012-09-21Number of Views:644


    On September 15, the third International Seminar of AS Contemporary Architectural Theory Forum kicked off at the Shaw Science and Technology Museum of SEU's Sipailou campus. Present at the opening ceremony were Liu Bo-school deputy Party Secretary and Vice-President, Liu Xianjue-senior professor of the School of Architecture of SEU, Li Jun-Chief Architect of Architectural Design Institute of Shanghai Modern Architectural Design Group, Huang Ju Zheng-chief editor of Architect, and Wang Jianguo-Dean of the School of Architecture of SEU. Besides, dozens of professors from the British AA architectural Association School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of London, Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania and other schools, attended this forum together with some professors from the School of Architecture of SEU. Prof. Dong Wei-Vice-Dean of the School of Architecture of SEU presided over the opening ceremony.
    The distinguished Deputy Secretary-Liu Bo said during her speech at the opening ceremony that SEU's discipline of Architecture has trained many outstanding talents for the society and injected much beauty into the campus. She believes that, in the information era, the discipline of Architecture is faced with the transformation of inheriting the tradition and focusing on the future, which makes the forum a very good communication platform for architectural experts all around the world. 
    Chief Architect Li Jun pointed it out in his speech that AS Contemporary Architectural Theory Forum is a long-term research project with distinct characteristics. Architecture Research, co-edited by Southeast University, AA Architectural Association School and Shanghai Modern Architectural Design Group based on the outcomes of the forum,whose first and second volumes are of high quality, is enlightening, thought-provoking and well received.
    Prof. Liu then briefly reviewed the history of our school's buildings and the teaching history of the discipline of Architecture. He said that, Prof. Liu Dunzhen and Prof. Tong Jun had significant achievements in this discipline and made great contribution to it. Then he recalled his experience as a visiting scholar at Yale University in the United States in the early 80s and drew the conclusion that in order to gain development in the discipline, strengthening foreign exchanges is a must.
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