Sixth International Conference on Inverse Problems and Applications Kicked off at SEU

Publisher:唐瑭Release time:2012-10-29Number of Views:583


     On October 21, the sixth International Conference on Inverse Problems and Applications jointly organized by the Department of Mathematics of SEU and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics of Jiangsu Province kicked off at SEU.
    More than 130 scholars in the fields of mathematics and engineering applications from 16 countries and regions such as the United States, Germany, France, Russia, Italy participated in this conference whose number of participants was the biggest among conferences of its kind. Present at the conference were Prof. Li Daqian-academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof. Cheng Jin-vice chairman of China Mathematical Society, Prof. George S. Dulikravich-editor of the world-renowned academic journalInverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Prof. M.Yamamoto from the University of Tokyo-vice chairman of the International Federation of Inverse Problems, Prof. J.K.Seo from Yonsei University-science adviser for the South Korean president, Prof. Jannan Wang-chairman of Taiwan Mathematical Society, and other famous scholars.
    The opening ceremony of the conference was held at Xinhua Hall of Liuyuan Hotel at our school's Sipailou Campus and was presided over by Prof. Liu Jijuan-Director of the Department of Mathematics of SEU and chairman of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics of Jiangsu Province. Two chairmen of the conference, Academician Li Daqian and Prof. M.Yamamoto, addressed at the conference. The organizers also incorporated into the opening ceremony an award ceremony which granted the MediaV Younger Researcher Award established by the Shanghai MediaV to young researchers in the hope of encouraging them to do research on Inverse Problems and Applications. Academician Li Daqian, Prof. M.Yamamoto together with Dr. Hu Ning-CTO of Media V awarded the two winners.
    The research on Inverse Problems has very wide applications and profound teaching significance. The applications of Inverse Problems can be found in many common fields in our daily life such as undersea submarine detection, geological resource exploration, human body's internal medical imaging, nondestructive testing of materials. The basic principle of Inverse problems is to identify the structure of a certain medium through its external information. News reporters from Nanjing Daily, Modern Express, Yangtze Evening Post and Jiangsu Science and Technology News reported on the conference and did related interviews.
    This conference as an important part of the third Jiangsu Natural Sciences Academic Activity Month is financed by SEU and National Natural Science Foundation of China. It is scheduled to close on October 26.
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