Shen Suyuan, the Deputy General of Konyang University of South Korea and the Entourage Visited Southeast University

Publisher:唐瑭Release time:2012-12-25Number of Views:565


    On November 8, Shen Suyuan, the Deputy General of Konyang University of South Korea and the entourage of two visited Southeast University. Liu Bo, the Deputy Secretary met with the delegation, expressed warm welcome to the visit, and described the development of Southeast University. Deputy General Shen warmly congratulated the success convening of the 18th National Congress of Communist Party of China and introduced the Konyang University. Afterwards, both sides communicated with each other about the cooperation and exchange on the level of students, professors and schools, especially the cooperation and exchange of medical school. Liu Bo, the Deputy Secretary showed interest in the act of “Inspiring Semester” for freshmen of Konyang University. Deputy General Shen thanked the Deputy Secretary Liu for frankly introducing the successful experience of Southeast University, and expressed her appreciation to the interdisciplinary cooperation of the university. The meeting enjoyed a cordial and friendly atmosphere. Professor Sun Zilin, associate dean of the Medical School of Southeast University, Professor Wang Xuemei of the Health Medical School, and the leaders and relevant staff of the International School and the international cooperation office also attended the meeting.
    During the visit in Southeast University, the delegation of Konyang University of South Korea also visited the school hospital, Zhongda Hospital and the Health Medical School laboratory.
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