2 Distinguished Foreign Experts in SEU were Selected into the National “1000 Talents Program”

Publisher:吴婵Release time:2014-03-24Number of Views:577

Recently, we were informed by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs that the two experts Olivier Bonnaud and Didier Pribat were selected into the national “1000 Talents Program”. Both of them were submitted by the key discipline platform in School of Electronic Science and Engineering.

As one of the sub-programs of the “Recruitment Program of Global Experts”, the “1000 Talent Plan” is to recruit non-ethnic Chinese experts, who are strategic scientists, leading experts in science and technology, or internationalized innovative teams capable of achieving critical technological breakthroughs, advancing the high-tech industries and promoting new disciplines.

Olivier Bonnaud is an Exceptional Class Professor in University of Rennes 1 of France, and he also holds the post of the dean of doctoral school in the university. He has long been engaged in the basic research of the application of Nano optoelectronic materials and devices, new type of photoelectric display technology, and new MOS thinfilm transistors. Besides, he has reached significant achievements in large area electronic device and VLSI research. He has won the Special Achievement Award and Outstanding Contribution Award of EAEEIE (European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering) respectively in 2008 and 2009.

Didier Pribat is a distinguished professor in Sungkyunkwan University. He has long been engaged in the design and production of nanometer materials, and their application in electronic devices. He has received a slew of fundamental achievements in the fields of the growth of nanometer, the nanotube electronic devices, and nanometer-based energy storage battery.

Up to now, 5 foreign experts from SEU have been selected into the “1000 Talents Program”. The rest 3 experts are, namely, Prof. Arokia Nathan (University of Cambridge) submitted by the key discipline platform in School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Prof. Said Easa (Ryerson University) submitted by the key discipline platform in School of Transportation and Prof. Rodrigo Salgado (Purdue University) submitted by the key discipline platform in School of Civil Engineering.

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