Deputy Director of UC Berkeley Psychological Counseling Center Visited SEU

Publisher:吴婵Release time:2015-06-18Number of Views:781

In June 11th, Dr. Chris McLean, the Deputy Director of UC Berkeley Psychological Counseling Center and Senior Counselor Dr. Mark Barajas visited Southeast University. They had deep-going interchange with teachers from Center For Psychological Health Education in SEU and had three special lectures.

To begin with, Dr. Barajais gave a lecture themed “the growing pains among American university students” to tutors and psychological consultation teachers in SEU and others universities in Jiangning, introducing the current mental status of American university students and explained the specific work they were doing in UC Berkeley Counseling Center. Then Dr. Chris MeLean separately made lectures “career planning” and “happiness of college students” for undergraduates and postgraduates in SEU.

This activity ushers in a new chapter for cooperation between SEU and world-class universities in the perspective of mental health education and counseling, pushes forward mutual substantial exchange and cooperation. As a result, it will certainly have a positive influence on SEU’s psychological health education.

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