SEU Students Attended Apple Developer Conference By Invitation

Publisher:吴婵Release time:2015-06-18Number of Views:1003

Apple Inc. held the 26th WWDC(Worldwide Developers Conference) in San Francisco, America during June 8th and June 12th, 2015. Wang Shuo, a junior student from Software Engineering Department in SEU was invited to the conference owing to the WWDC Scholarship he got.

On the spot, Wang Shuo took a group photo with Tim Cook, CEO of Apple Inc. and got his autograph. Besides, Wang sent a holograph letter to Cook, proposing that Apple Inc. should perform an Education Support Program in China to help Chinese students develop IOS. Cook accepted the letter and promised to give a formal reply to Wang.

Wang started developing App since sophomore year. The first App he took part in is SEU’s BBS. Later, he also participated in the development of “”. After releasing the new programming language “Swift” in WWDC last year, Wang also compiled an App about Introductory Grammar and Tutorial.

Provided by Apple Inc., the WWDC Scholarship aims at ordinary student developers aged 13 or olders, and the company is reaching out to members and alumni of 20 organizations devoted to promoting STEM(science, technology, engineering, and math) education, some examples include Black Girls Code,, and LaTechLa. This year, all together there are 350 students who won the scholarship, among them, three are from Mainland China.

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