University of Tennessee delegation visited our university

Publisher:吴婵Release time:2016-04-05Number of Views:696

Pia Wood Vice Provost of University of Tennessee, Shih-Lung Shaw the foreign dean of the Confucius Institute and Andy Ray the admission officer of University of Tennessee visited our university on March 20th, 2016. Pu Yuepu Vice President of Southeast University met the delegation.

In the session held on March 22nd, the two universities discussed the development of teaching staff, the English summer campuses and the communication between library faculty. The leaders of our university who attended the session included Qiu Bin the dean of College of International Students, Wu Juan the deputy director of the office of teaching affairs, Chen Meihua the dean of School of Foreign Languages, Ma Dongmei the assistant dean of School of Foreign Languages, and Li Xiaoxiang the director of Faculty Development Center.

At the 2016 Council of the Confucius Institute at Southeast University-University of Tennessee held on March 23rd, the two universities introduced the recent development of the Confucius Institute, reviewed last year’s work and arranged this year’s. The two universities also exchanged opinions about PHD Program of CSC and the program of education working groups. After the council, Professor Shih-Lung Shaw provided guidance to the designate Chinese dean of the Confucius Institute and Chinese volunteer teachers.

During its visiting, the delegation went to High School Affiliated to Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing No.1 Middle School, Jinling High School, Danyang High School, Nanjing Foreign Languages School, Dongshan Foreign Languages School, etc. The delegation and the headmasters had a broad and in-depth exchange of views on educational issues.

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