Ordered Substance Scientific Research Center Published Essay in "Chemical Society Reviews"

Publisher:吴婵Release time:2016-04-13Number of Views:1111

On April 7th, Ordered Substance Scientific Research Center in SEU published a review literature entitled “Symmetry breaking in molecular ferroelectrics” in first-rank international academic journal Chemical Society Reviews.(as can be seen in http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2016/cs/c5cs00308c#!divAbstract )

As a type of important functional material, molecular ferroelectrics have multiple special properties such as piezoelectricity, pyroelectricity, ferroelectricity and optical nonlinearity, which are widely applied in fields like reservation, detection, sensor and new energy. The paper starts from Curie’s symmetry principle and Neumann principle, it focuses on symmetry-breaking by taking the main development and experience of Ordered Substance Scientific Research Center in molecular ferroelectric research from 2011 to 2015 into consideration. It gives a systematic explanation of the basic methods for design, synthesis and regulation of molecular ferroelectric materials.

SEU is the only accomplishment unit. Shi Pingping(the first author), Yang Yuanyuan, Li Pengfei, Liao Weiqiang and Wang Zhongxia are all Ph.d students who help compose the essay. Professor Xiong Rengeng is the correspondent author. Chemical Society Reviews is published by The Royal Society of Chemistry, which is one of the most influential and authoratative review journals, its influence factor in 2015 is 33.838.

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