Prof. Sergey Ponomarenko and Prof. YangJian Cai visited APC in SEU

Publisher:吴婵Release time:2016-05-16Number of Views:944

May 6 2016, Professor Sergey Ponomarenko and Professor Yangjian Cai came to Advanced Photonics Center (APC) in School of Electronic Science and Engineering, SEU for academic exchanges from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. Two professors gave their academic lectures on the titles of “Spectral plasmon signatures in sum- and difference-frequency generation” and “Correlation structure manipulation and application of partially coherent laser beams”, respectively. More than 30 experts and graduate students who came from Nanjing University, Nanjing Normal University, and APC attended the academic symposium.

Sergey Ponomarenko earned his Ph.D. degree in theoretical optical physics from the University of Rochester, USA under the tutelage of Prof. Emil Wolf, a founder of classical optical coherence theory. He joined Dalhousie University, Canada as a tenure-track faculty and a Canada Research Chair in 2006. In 2010, Dr. Ponomarenko was promoted to Associate Professorship and his Canada Research Chair award was renewed. In his spare time, Dr. Ponomarenko tries to understand better fundamental aspects of optical coherence theory, nonlinear statistical optics and plasmonics with his graduate students and post-doctors.

Prof. Ponomarenko started with a brief introduction to Surface Plasmon Polaritons (SPP) and surface nonlinear interactions, and presentedhis group’s results on sum- and difference-frequency generation with polychromatic light near SPP resonances in a Kretschmann configuration. He described pronounced spectral shifts and giant spectral modifications in the sum- and difference-frequency fields at the SPP resonance. He then compared and contrasted the sum and difference frequency cases. Finally, he outlined potential applications of our results to ultra-sensitive surface sensors.



Professor Yangjian Cai is a Distinguished Professor of Physics and Optoelectronic & Energy Department of Suzhou University, doctoral supervisor, National Outstanding Youth Science Foundation, winner of the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation, German Alexander von Humboldt fellows. His research interest includes the manipulation of light field, beam propagation, atmosphere optics, optical image, and so on. He has published about 240 papers in scientific listed in the ISI Web of Knowledge. His papers were cited over 3000 times.

Prof. Cai reported the correlation structure manipulation of partially coherent laser beams and their applications. In recent years, many researchers have paid their attentions to partially coherent laser beams with non-conventional correlation structures. Partially coherent laser beams with some special correlation structures have important applications in atmospheric laser communication, optical image, particle trapping and manipulating, and so on. Partially coherent laser beams with spatial correlation structures provide a new approach for beam quality control.



Two professors’ wonderful academic lectures received the warm welcome by all teachers and graduate students. All attendee conducted a detailed exchange and discussion before taking a group photo. This academic activity enhances the experts at home and abroad understanding Advanced Photonics Center. More importantly, this conference provides a good opportunity for in-depth exchanges and further cooperation in the scope of “manipulating the light field”.



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