​SEU Students Held Knowledge Competition Focusing On Health Literacy

Publisher:吴婵Release time:2016-05-16Number of Views:901


Do you have a healthy life? With work and life pace speeding up, increasing pressure and various social problems highlighted, an increasing number of College Students' mental and psychological diseases raise. Solving the prominent health problem and improve the students' self-health maintenance ability is imperative. On the evening of July 13, the third health literacy contest is held in Jiulong campus of SEU. Held since the preliminary election in April this year, a total of more than 3000 students participate in the competition and ultimately16 teams are selected finally.


Li Tao, secretary of the Party committee of School of Public Health, SEU, giving speech for the opening of the competition. He said that improving the national health literacy is the most inclusive and the most cost-effective measures to promote public health. Health literacy in the world has aroused more and more extensive attention. With the development of the times and the deepening of research, its connotation is increasing.   


Health literacy is a multi-level connotation system integrated a variety of quality, and has a close relationship with the whole social environment.The World Health Organization defines health literacy as the process that people obtain, understand, and adopt health information and services, and use these information and services to make the right judgments and decisions to promote their own health. The picture shows the players in an orderly manner to answer, the question of the game involving all aspects of daily life.




Leaders and guests attend the scene are deeply absorbed.




The Second group of players fall into thinking in face of the increasingly difficult problem.




In the competition, players communicate with each other. With the increase of the difficulty of the subject, they stay calm and carefully examine the topic, passing through into the next round.

Professor Shen Xiaobing from School of Public Health gave a detailed review of the activities, and encourage students to hold such activities in future to further enhance health literacy and improve the quality of life.



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