Intelligent Vehicle Team of Southeast University Gains Success in the 1st World Intelligent Driving Challenge

Publisher:吴婵Release time:2017-07-18Number of Views:326

Southeast University Chery-Zhishan intelligent vehicle team was established at the end of 2016 by Prof. Yin Guodong and his team from School of Mechanical Engineering. Most of the team members are graduate students of School of Mechanical Engineering. The team is with a high research competence and has the ability to independently produce prototype vehicle. During the competition, they overcame many difficulties and successfully developed the prototype vehicle.  

As the director of Jiangsu Intelligent Driving Committee, Prof. Yin Guodong actively promotes the development of intelligent connected vehicle and automatic driving technology. He and his team provides technological support for the competition in research fields of intelligent connected vehicle, automatic driving, intelligent agricultural machinery, and four-wheel-driving electric vehicle control.

The World Intelligent Driving Challenge is an important part of World Intelligence Congress. This year the congress is held for the first time. It is cosponsored by National Development and Innovation Committee, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State Internet information office, Chinese Academy of Science, Chinese Academy of Engineering, and government of Tianjin.

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