SEU Held the 2017 Opening Ceremony for Undergraduates

Publisher:吴婵Release time:2017-09-14Number of Views:378

On September 4, Opening Ceremony for Undergraduates Southeast University 2017 was held in the stadium of Jiu Long Hu campus. President of SEU Zhang Guangjun, executive deputy secretary of the Party committee Zuo Wei, deputy secretary Zheng Jiamao, chief accountant Ding Hui, vice president Huang Dawei, Jin Baosheng, assistant to the president, dean of the School of Medicine, Liu Naifeng, directors of different departments, 3968 new undergraduates from across the country and 26 overseas students attended the opening ceremony. The ceremony was hosted by deputy secretary Zheng Jiamao. Before the ceremony, teachers and students watched a video of SEU produced by the Publicity Department of the Party committee.

On 9 o’clock in the morning, the SEU flag guard marched into the stadium. The ceremony began with national anthem and the raising of national flag.

During the ceremony, president Zhang Guangjun gave a speech titled “Being Aspiring, Making Achievements, and Becoming a Person of Integrity”. He recommended three “books” to freshmen. The first one is “the book of era”. The needs of the Party and the state for higher education are more urgent than ever before, and the desire for scientific knowledge and talents is stronger than ever. The era not only provides a historic opportunity for China to rise from a great power to a strong power, but also reveals a magnificent picture of the world and a grand stage. He expected students to understand this “book” and integrate into the era. The second book is “the book of SEU”. Southeast University has a history of 115 years. During this period of time it witnesses and enriches the history of modern higher education in China, explores and practices the ideology of education--“striving for perfection”. It created the university spirit of “developing world-class science and cultivating talents for the nation”. Southeast University is now going to build a university of “double first-rate”. Following the running method of “aiming at frontier development and strategy, centering around teachers and students, and emphasizing on the development of talents”, Southeast University carries out a humanized education and deepens the comprehensive education reform. It is making progress towards the “SEU’s dream” of building a Chinese “1-10-100” world-class university. President Zhang Guangjun hoped students could spell over this “book” and grow up together with SEU. The third “book” is “the book of self”. Students come from all around the country, grew up in different regional and cultural background, have different qualities and values, but they are facing the same opportunities and challenges. The fate of each person are in their own hands. He hoped that students could understand the “book” of themselves, undertake the responsibility of the era and our nation, and orient themselves to a most meaningful life.

Afterwards, President Zhang expressed his three hopes towards students. The first one is to be aspiring. He hoped that students could establish great ambition, undertake the task of national rejuvenation, and become a patriotic leading talent with international view. The second is to make achievements. Students should improve their innovation spirit, innovation ability, and cooperation awareness. The third one is to become a person of integrity. He hoped that students could face the difficulties, learn from those better than themselves, and take the responsibility for the whole world. They should be righteous, serene, resolute, and strive for perfection. At last, President Zhang hoped that students would display the confidence of being a member of SEU, and shine with our era in the future.

The representative of teachers, 2016 Youth Chang Jiang Scholar, doctoral supervisor of School of Civil Engineering Wang Hao shared his reflection on life and experience and gave students three advice. The first one is to work hard in research and daily life. The second is to read more books and broaden horizon. The third one is to do physical exercise and keep healthy. He hoped that students could stay positive and strive for perfection. So they could lay a solid foundation of their life, and contribute to the realization of China dream.

The representative of students at the university, Kang Yinliang from School of Physics, representative of new students, Tan Rong of School of Humanties coming from Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Enshi, Hubei province, and representative of overseas students, Su Xiaoxiao coming from The Republic of Belarus also gave speeches at the ceremony.

Students of School of Medicine took the oath of medical workers under the leading of dean Liu Naifeng.

The opening ceremony came to a successful close with the anthem of SEU sung by all of the teachers and students present.

There are 13 categories in 2017 recruitment. 100 students were recruited through Jiangsu comprehensive assessment which was implemented for the first time. And 261 students were recruited by honor class of liberal arts(Guo Bingwen Honor Class).

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