The Opening Ceremony & Orientation for 2017 International Students was Held in SEU

Publisher:吴婵Release time:2017-11-23Number of Views:342

Nearly three hundreds international students were invited to the “2017 Opening Ceremony & Orientation” on the morning of November 21st 2017 in Yi Fu Lecture Hall, Southeast University (SEU). Prof. Wang Baoping (Executive Vice President of SEU), Prof. Ye Zhirui (Deputy Director of International Cooperation Department), Prof. Qiu Bin (Dean of College of Int’l Students (CIS)), Ms. Xu Jian (Associate Dean of CIS), Mr. Yang Liqian (Deputy Chief of Dept. of Exit and Entry Administration) and teachers of CIS also attended this ceremony.


On behalf of SEU, Prof. Wang Baoping delivered a warm welcome speech, starting with a brief introduction of SEUs position home & abroad and the global ranking of its strong disciplines. He asked all new students to cherish the opportunity of studying at SEU and encouraged them to enhance their academic ability and enjoy their life at SEU. Beginning with the history of Nanjing, Prof. Qiu Bin’s speech drew a comprehensive picture of the past and the future of SEU. He also gave the best wishes for the all students in their life and study. As the representative of all new students, KALIGAEVA EKATERINA from The Republic of Belarus introduced her lifeat SEU, shared her experience of learning Chinese, and expressed the ambition to achieve an academic success in SEU. As a representative of all current international students, POZHIDAEVA ALEXANDRA from Russia gave a speech to welcome all new students. She emphasized the support they have received from the university during their study and told the new comers how they could make full use of the platform of SEU to achieve academic success and enjoy a colorful life by her own stories.


In the following orientation, the teachers from the International Students’ Office, the Admission Office and the Teaching Affairs Office explained the university regulations regarding the courses, basic rules, scholarships, etc. Highlighting a number of instances, Mr. Yang Liqian from the Dept. of Exit and Entry Administration delivered a vivid speech on regulations and laws closely related to international students.


We hope all new international students will enjoy their life in SEU

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