The 3rd Jiangsu-Europe International Conference on New Energy was Held at SEU

Publisher:吴婵Release time:2017-12-19Number of Views:445

The third Jiangsu-Europe International Conference on New Energy was held at Sipailou Campus of Southeast University on December 9th to 10th, which was sponsored by the China Renewable Energy Society and the Southeast University, organized by the Key Laboratory of Solar Energy Technology of Jiangsu Province, Foreign Science and Technology Promotion Association of Jiangsu Province, Hubei University, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing Renewable Energy Society and Southeast University Solar Energy Technology Research Center. More than ten experts from Finland, Israel, Spain, Sweden and Pakistan and nearly two hundred delegates including more than thirty scholars of “Chang Jiang Scholars Program” and winners of “The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars ” and the experts of “National High-level personnel of special support program” participated in the conference.

At the opening ceremony of the conference on December 9th, Huang Dawei, vice president of Southeast University, Wu Chuangzhi, vice director of China Renewable Energy Society and Zhang Jianping, deputy inspector of Nanjing Science and TechnologyAssociationdelivered speeches. Theunveiling ceremony of Nanjing Renewable Energy Society was also held at the opening ceremony. The winner of Jinling science and technology friendship award and professor Peter Lund of Finland AaltoUniversity gave speeches.

During the conference, more than sixty experts and scholars in China and abroad introduced their latest research achievements in the field of new energy in their reports respectively, and conducted academic exchanges with representatives about several subjects.

Jiangsu-Europe International Conference on New Energy was jointly launched by Southeast University, AaltoUniversity of Finland and KTH Royal Institute of Technology in 2013, aiming to promote the new international energy exchange between Jiangsu and Europe. Up to now, the international conference has promoted the universities in Jiangsu Provinceand enterprises to sign eleven cooperation agreements, introducedtwo European research teams, seven high-level talents, carried out sixteen research projects in cooperation, cultivated more than ten post-doctors, doctors and masterswith the cooperating experts, and has carried out academic exchange visits for more than 20 times.

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