Professor Jinde Cao was Elected as Foreign Fellow of Pakistan Academy of Sciences

Publisher:吴婵Release time:2017-12-24Number of Views:523

Recently, Professor Jinde CAO from School of Mathematics, Southeast University had been elected as a foreign fellow of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences (PAS) for his original contribution to science. The decision was taken by PAS General Body in its meeting held on November 1, 2017 by ratifying the recommendations of PAS Council.

The Academy comprises of Foundation Fellows, Fellows, Foreign Fellows and Members, according to the following criteria: Fellows are Pakistani scientists, eminent for their original contribution to science, who are elected according to the procedure laid down in Bye-Laws of the Academy. Not more than five Fellows may be elected during any one year until the total numbers of Fellows reaches the limit of one hundred. Foreign Fellows are scientists who are nationals of countries other than Pakistan, and who are eminent for their contributions to science, and who are elected according to the procedure laid down in the Bye-Laws of the Academy. Not more than three Foreign Fellows may be elected in any one year until the total number of Foreign Fellows reaches the limit of thirty. At present, there are 93 Fellows and 29 Foreign Fellows, who have been elected by the General Body.

Professor Cao has made fundamental contributions to the mathematical theory and applications of neural networks, neurodynamic systems and complex dynamical networks. He has been selected as Member of Academia Europaea (Academy of Europe), and IEEE Fellow. He has been named as Highly Cited Researcher in Mathematics, Computer Science, and Engineering by Thomson Reuters/Clarivate Analytics. He is the top-one author of 20 most-cited authors on the topic of artificial neural networks ( during 1997-2007 with two papers listed in the 20 most-cited papers. His works are widely recognized, and are written into the annual report of the National Natural Science Foundation of China as one of 15 excellent funded projects, and has more than 25539 citations with H-index of 86 according to ISI-Web of Science. He has received, among others, National Innovation Award of China, Thomson Reuters Research Fronts Award, Thomson Reuters China Citation Laureates Award, first class Science and Technology Award by Jiangsu Province of China, and second class Natural Science Award by Ministry of Education of China.

Professor Cao was an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Neurocomputing, and Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems. He is currently an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, Neural Networks, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Advances in Difference Equations, Journal of the Franklin Institute, Cognitive Neurodynamics and Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research. He is also a Discipline Editor of Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, Series A. As lead guest editor, he organized 6 special issues for ISI journals.

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