The Result of the 4th Discipline Ranking is Published: the number of A+ Disciplines of SEU Ranks Eighth Throughout the Country, and Comes in First Place in Jiangsu

Publisher:吴婵Release time:2018-01-02Number of Views:731

On December28, China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center published the result of the 4th discipline ranking. There are altogether 31 disciplines of Southeast University take part in the ranking, and 12 of them are ranked grade A. There are 5 disciplines ranked A+, one ranked A, and 6 ranked A-. The number of the disciplines ranked A+ of SEU comes in eighth among universities throughout the country, and comes in first place in Jiangsu province.

The 5 disciplines ranked A+ include architecture, civil engineering, transportation engineering, biomedical engineering, and artistic theory. Electric science and technology is ranked A. The 6 disciplines ranked A- include instrument science and technology, information and communication engineering, control science and engineering, urban and rural planning, landscape architecture, and management science and engineering.

The 4th discipline ranking was carried out in 2016 among 95 major disciplines. 7449 disciplines of 513 unites participated in the ranking. Different from the discipline rankings before, this time the ranking result is presented in percentile, and no longer emphasizes on scores and specific position in ranking. The result is divided into three grades A, B, and C, and nine ranks. The scores and position in ranking are not released. Only the data of the top 70% is published. 

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