SEU Initiated the Education Thoughts Discussion Activity

Publisher:吴婵Release time:2018-04-12Number of Views:194

In the afternoon of April 4th, the kick-off meeting of educational discussion “deepen comprehensive education reform, cultivate first-rate innovation talents” was held at Southeast University Jiulonghu Campus. Secretary of the school party committee Zuo Wei, president Zhang Guangjun, vice president Wang Baoping, vice secretary of party committee Zheng Jiamao, vice president Huang Dawei, Wu Gang, Jin Baosheng, director of the university teaching committee, academician Wang Jianguo, middle-level cadres, members of the university teaching committee, members of the academic evaluation committee, directors of experiment teaching center, supervising experts, directors of major construction, directors of foundation course, instructors, representatives of student union and graduate student union, etc., attended the meeting. The meeting was hosted by Zheng Jiamao, vice secretary of the university party committee.

Firstly, President Zhang Guangjun made a speech. He said that the aim of the meeting is to implement the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and National college ideological and political work conference under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and take the opportunity of the construction of double first-rate university and assessment of undergraduate teaching by Ministry of Education, carry out the discussion about education thoughts, implement the basic task of strengthening moral education and cultivating talents, to lay a solid foundation for the deepening of education and teaching reform, the implement of 2020 first-rate undergraduate education plan, and the comprehensive postgraduate education reform.

Secretary Zuo Wei pointed out in his speech that it is very necessary to conduct the discussion about education thoughts. The discussion is the furtherance of the results of undergraduate teaching assessment in the end of 2017, and is also an important part of the revision and improvement of SEU’s comprehensive reform plan. It will be the preparation for the revision of talent cultivation plan for undergraduates and post graduates. Secretary Zuo expatiated the significance of the discussion from perspectives of the development of Southeast University, Chinese higher education, and the whole country. He pointed out the instructional significance of grasping the background of the discussion. The educational thoughts discussion will answer the following questions: for whom we cultivate talents? What kind of talents we cultivate? And how to cultivate?

The education thoughts discussion will last for three months. It will center on the theme of “deepen comprehensive education reform, cultivate first-rate innovation talents”, focusing on topics of “concept, orientation, and aim of first-rate innovation talents cultivation”, “system mechanism and measures of first-rate innovation talents cultivation”, “the relationship between policy orientation of first-rate innovation talents cultivation and university comprehensive reform”, “the relationship between the ability structure of first-rate innovation talents and cultivating plan”, and “how to adapt teachers’ teaching ability to the cultivation of first-rate innovation talents”. The discussion will be organized by functional departments and schools of the university. It will be conducted from different levels and in different forms, including 4 report meetings, over 60 seminars, over 40 forums and more than 20 interacting activities between teachers and students. The organization mode including discussion organized by functional departments and schools and participated by university leaders, and discussion organized by schools and participated by functional departments. The latest development of discussion and detailed information will be published through special websites, new media matrix, special reports, special column on Journal of Southeast University, the atmosphere creation in campus, publicity of key junctures and typical characters, etc.. The university will accomplish the final report of the education thoughts discussion and convene the summing-up meeting before July 10, 2018

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