School of Cyberspace Security of Southeast University Was Officially Unveiled

Publisher:吴婵Release time:2018-05-24Number of Views:489


    On the morning of May 20, as the first batch of  demonstration project of constructing the first-rate cyberspace security colleges in China, the School of Cyberspace Security of Southeast University was officially unveiled at Jiulonghu Campus. Li Shigui, Member of the Standing Committee of Nanjing Municipal Committee and CPC Secretary of Jiangning District, Bao Feng, Deputy Director of the Cyberspace Administration Office of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, Zhang Guangjun, President of Southeast University, Managing Vice President Wang Baoping, Vice Presidents Wu Gang and Jin Baosheng, Academician Yu Quan, Dean of the School of Cyberspace Security, principals from fraternal schools and cooperation enterprises, principals of related departments of Southeast University as well as representatives of teachers and students attended the opening ceremony, which was presided over by Managing Vice President Wang Baoping.

   Secretary Li Shigui expressed his congratulations on the unveiling of the School and expressed his gratitude to Southeast University for its long-term support and assistance to the economic and social development of Jiangning District. He said that Southeast University, as a well-known domestic institution of higher education, has been taking the leading edge in terms of discipline construction, talent cultivation and technological innovation, etc.. Under the background of building an internationally innovative Nanjing City, we expected both parties could further deepen our cooperation in the field of cyberspace security and allow more technological achievements to be transformed, applied and industrialized at Jiangning District by means of platform co-construction, collaborative innovation and school-enterprise cooperation. Meanwhile, efforts should be further devoted to promoting the growth and expansion of more new-type enterprises, create the cyber industry at Jiangning District to be a dazzling industrial landmark in the future. Teachers and students of Southeast University were also expected to actively participate in the tide of innovation and entrepreneurship at Jiangning District to make their own contributions to the development of Jiangning District in the new era. Besides, He also indicated that Jiangning District would spare no effort to support the development of Southeast University and honor its commitments with action.

   Deputy Director Bao Feng said in his speech that the listing of the School of Cyberspace Security of Southeast University symbolized its official establishment and operation and also marked that the development of cyberspace security undertaking in Jiangsu Province has accessed a brand-new stage. He believed that Southeast University would definitely utilize this opportunity of establishing the School of Cyberspace Security to continue its leading role in science and technology, make breakthroughs in cutting-edge basic theories and key core technologies, and thus make a batch of major innovative achievements in cyberspace technology. He also indicated that the Cyberspace Administration Office of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee would fully support the construction of the School of Cyberspace Security and spare no effort in boosting the high-quality development of the School of Cyberspace Security of Southeast University.

    President Zhang Guangjun addressed in the ceremony on behalf of the university and extended his warm welcome and sincere appreciations to all leaders and distinguished guests present in the ceremony. He briefly reviewed various preliminary works for establishing the School of Cyberspace Security and the university’s development orientation of the School. He also put forward three requirements on the School’s future construction and development: firstly, to improve the positioning and the service strategy. He stressed that it would be necessary to fully understand that in the context of a new era, it was a political task to well run a School of Cyberspace Security and well construct the state-sponsored demonstration project of constructing the first-rate cyberspace security colleges. This should be the political responsibility and mission of Southeast University, which can only succeed and cannot be defeated, can only be outstanding and cannot be mediocre. Thus actual actions shall be made to serve the national strategic demand of security while building the School to be a world-class college with Chinese characteristics. Secondly, to spike from high set and fight for the best. He pointed out that we must earnestly practice the spirit of the important speech delivered by Secretary General Xi Jinping and the requirements on constructing a national first-class School of Cyberspace Security. In order to realize these objectives, active efforts shall be made to develop high-end, characteristic, internationalized and practical new model and mechanism, establish the first-class faculty team, cultivate the first-rate talents and produce top-ranking fundamental, original and revolutionary scientific and technological achievements. Thirdly, to open, share and take the initiative of development. He stressed that we must form a friendly eco-chain including network talent cultivation, technological innovation, industrial development and resource sharing; establish a top-ranking base for transformation and industrialization of cyberspace security achievements that can play the diffusive and leading role. Meanwhile, efforts shall be made to lead, demonstrate and promote the nationwide cyberspace security science and the specialty establishment and development, promote and organize the college alliance, industrial alliance and international alliance, etc. in terms of cyberspace security. In addition, President Zhang also extended his gratitude for the vigorous support of Jiangning District Committee and the District Government; at the same time, he requested the School to firmly take advantage of this opportunity of constructing the core of knowledge innovation circle of Southeast University at Jiangning District to substantially accelerate the signing and implementation of the project of establishing the School of Cyberspace Security. President Zhang finally expected to undertake the national mission of building a “first-class School of Cyberspace Security” with joint efforts of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing City and Jiangning District, and thus make leading, demonstrative and historic contributions to establishing an innovative Jiangsu Province and a renowned innovative Nanjing City.


At the ceremony, President Zhang Guangjun and Secretary Li Shigui jointly unveiled the School of Cyberspace Security. Vice President Wu Gang issued the letter of appointment to director of all school's research centers which would cooperate with the School; Vice President Jin Baosheng issued the letter of appointment of postgraduate tutor to representatives of extramural postgraduate tutors. Cheng Guang, Executive Deputy Dean of the School, delivered a special report on the construction and development of the School.

    In addition, the cooperation agreements were concluded between the School and Integritytech and Hillstone respectively. Shi Chang, Secretary of the School’s CPC Committee, has received the scholarship and the faculty fellowship from two enterprises on behalf of the Education Foundation.

    After the ceremony, Academician Yu Quan, Dean of the School, made an academic report titled “Thinking about the Future Network System Architecture”. Cai Jingjing, Chairman of the cooperating enterprise Integritytech and Dean of iChunqiu, also reported about “the practice of promoting talent cultivation by industry-university collaboration. In addition, experts from the fraternal universities also conducted special seminars on the construction and development of cyberspace security disciplines.

    It is reported that in 2016, Southeast University was granted the first batch of Ph.D. conferring spots of first-level disciplines in terms of cyberspace security. In December of the same year, the School of Cyberspace Security was established and Yu Quan, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering was invited as the Dean. In September 2017, Southeast University was enrolled in the first batch of “Demonstration Colleges and Universities of Constructing the First-class Cyberspace Security College” as awarded by the Cyberspace Administration of China and the Ministry of Education. It was ranked at the second place among seven universities that have been awarded the same license. In the “Double First-Class” construction program of Southeast University, the cyberspace security was definitely recognized as one of the cutting-edge, emerging and cross disciplines under key construction. In addition, the School actively cooperated with the government and well-known enterprises in the industry. Up to now, it has established comprehensive cooperation relationship with more than 100 enterprises in 13 prefecture-level cities in Jiangsu Province, and has established the graduate workstations in 35 enterprises concerning network security, electronic information and computer, established 21 cyberspace security-related (united) technology research centers together with key enterprises in the industry; in addition, it has also established the academic research and production-learning-research cooperation base at Jiangning Wireless Valley. At present, the School highlights 54 Ph.D. candidates on campus and 273 graduate students on campus. In 2017, the School enrolled the first batch of 52 undergraduate students. In 2018, the School plans to enroll 140 undergraduates, 252 postgraduates and 27 Ph.D. candidates. Moreover,the School will also set up a cyberspace security class for the gifted young within the enrollment framework of the gifted young. It is expected that there will be over 800 students of all varieties on campus by the end of this year. (Words by: Zhai Mengjie; photos by: Liu Li)


(Editor in chief: Ji Hong; reviewed by: Song Yechun)


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