The Delegation Led by Vice President Wu Gang of Southeast University Visited Three Higher Education Institutions in the UK

Publisher:吴婵Release time:2018-10-17Number of Views:288

During the visit, Vice President Wu Gang on behalf of Southeast University and Prof. Jon Frampton, Vice President of University of Birmingham unveiled the “University of Birmingham – Southeast University Joint Research Centre for Biomedical Engineering”. As the first joint research institute established in a British university, the center, by relying on the Institute of Translational Medicine of the University of Birmingham and the School of Bioscience and Medical Engineering of our university, would function as a linkage to jointly cultivate high-level talents, carry out scientific researches and transformation of results in the field of life science, and thus promote disciplinary cooperation in a wider area.

After the unveiling ceremony, Vice President Wu Gang visited Professor Tim Jones, Managing Vice President of the University of Birmingham, and discussed the overall concept and planning for further deepening the bilateral cooperation between both parties. Besides, the delegation visited the Institute of Translational Medicine of the University of Birmingham.

During the visit, the delegation of Vice President Wu Gang also went to Imperial College London and talked with academicians of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Professor Eric Yeatman, Dean of the Electronic and Electrical Department of Imperial College London and Andrew Holmes, principal for graduate student education, etc. in respect of cooperation in advanced manufacturing and materials technology. The consensus has been reached about the specific issue of inviting teachers from Imperial College London to give lectures at our school. After the talks, Professor Sun Litao, Dean of the School of Electronic Science and Engineering and Professor Yeatman signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation.

Finally, the delegation led by Vice President Wu Gang visited Sheffield University, which is one of the major players in the implementation of the UK Government's “Northern Engine” manufacturing revitalization program. Its Advanced Manufacturing Research Center (AMRC) has been developed to a leading school-enterprise cooperation complex in the UK that highlights extensive influences in relevant international manufacturing industry, the integration of education, research and achievement transformation. Its development history and operation mode are of very unique significance of reference. The delegation led by Vice President Wu Gang visited AMRC's main park and learnt in detail about its management system and operation mechanism from Prof. Keith Ridgway, Executive Director of AMRC and academician of Royal Academy of Engineering. They exchanged their views on cooperation between both parties and has established liaison and communication mechanism. 

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