The Delegation of Secretary-General Urban Rusnák of International Energy Charter Visited Southeast University

Publisher:吴婵Release time:2018-11-07Number of Views:201

The delegation of Secretary-General Urban Rusnák of International Energy Chart visited Southeast University on October 19. Vice President Huang Dawei of Southeast University met with the delegation led by Dr. Urban Rusnák and Yan Lina, Chinese representative of International Energy Chart at Suzhou Research Institute. Relevant principals of the International Cooperation Department and the School of Electric Engineering, etc. attended the symposium.

At the symposium, Vice-President Huang Dawei first welcomed the delegation of Secretary-General Urban Rusnák on behalf of Southeast University, briefly introduced the history, disciplinary characteristics and open education of Southeast University. As indicated by Vice President Huang Dawei, the International Energy Charter, as a well-known international organization, has been playing a very important role in international energy trade and transportation. As an official signatory observing country, the Chinese government has interacted more and more frequently with the International Energy Charter. Southeast University expects to establish a cooperative relationship with the International Energy Charter to deepen mutual understanding, establish a mutual visit mechanism and enhance exchanges and cooperation at all levels.

Secretary-General Urban Rusnák introduced the development status quo and work connotations of the International Energy Charter, and highly affirmed the profound foundation of Southeast University and the fruitful achievements in terms of scientific research in recent years. He expected to work and cooperate with Southeast University in respect of talent training, academic research and industrial strategy development, etc. in a deeper manner.

Through this meeting, both parties clarified the mutual contact personnel and decided to promote and deepen the cooperation on the basis of personnel exchanges between both parties, cooperative research and mutual visits at all levels so as to lay a solid foundation for the subsequent drafting and signing of the memorandum.

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