The Delegation of University of British Columbia Visited Southeast University

Publisher:吴婵Release time:2018-12-20Number of Views:235

On December 14, the delegation under the leadership of Santa Ono, President of the University of British Columbia, Canada, visited Southeast University. President Zhang Guangjun met with the delegation and exchanged views with the delegation. Wu Gang, Vice President of Southeast University and principals from the School of Architecture, the School of Materials Science and Engineering, the Academic Affairs Office, the Personnel Department and the International Cooperation Department, etc. attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Vice President Wu Gang.

President Zhang Guangjun first extended his warm welcome to the delegation of President Santa Ono. President Zhang said that in the era of multi-polarization, economic globalization and social informationization, the university shall shoulder a greater mission and heavier responsibilities in terms of talent cultivation, scientific research and social services not only to serve social demands, but lead social development and promote human progress. At present, when China is advancing the “double first-class” construction, the scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation call for the first-class talents and innovative technologies. Based on deep cooperation foundation and good willingness to cooperate, the two universities enjoy broad cooperation space and bright prospects for cooperation, which will be of great significance to the development of both universities. To this end, President Zhang expected that the two universities could further deepen the content and form of cooperation in the future: first of all, to vigorously strengthen the joint cultivation of students, expand the scale and subject of student exchanges between both parties; secondly, to further promote the multi-parties cooperation among the two universities, the industry and the government so as to jointly establish a high-level scientific research and achievement transformation platform; thirdly, to actively explore the establishment of a joint college to truly achieve substantially high-level and high-quality cooperation from “point-to-point” to “face-to-face” cooperation.

President Santa Ono fully affirmed the development of Southeast University and the close cooperation between the two universities, and highly appreciated Zhang Guangjun’s proposal of deepened cooperation. He expected that the two universities could intensify their ties in industry-university-research cooperation and their advantageous disciplines respectively, thus further explore the possibility of establishing a joint college. Meanwhile, the president also expected to strengthen exchanges among students and provide more exchange programs of various forms to students from both schools for exchange and study.

During the talks, Vice President Wu Gang introduced the cooperation between the two universities in terms of high-level mutual visit, scientific research cooperation and student exchange. Representatives of the two universities also conducted in-depth exchanges of their respective works.

      It is reported that the delegation under the leadership of Managing Vice President Wang Baoping visited the University of British Columbia on May 14, 2018. During the visit, an official cooperation agreement was entered into by and between both parties, which has opened a new chapter of cooperation between Southeast University and the University of British Columbia. 

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