The 30th Anniversary of Southeast University, Wuxi and the Signing Ceremony of Agreement on Construction of Wuxi International Campus Was Convened

Publisher:吴婵Release time:2019-01-15Number of Views:396

On January 9, the 30th anniversary of Southeast University, Wuxi and the signing ceremony of Agreement on Construction of Wuxi International Campus was convened in Wuxi. Li Xiaomin, member of the Standing Committee of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of Wuxi Municipal Party Committee, Zhu Aixun, Liu Xia and Gao Yaguang, Vice Mayor of Wuxi Municipal Government, Zhang Mingkang, Secretary General of Wuxi Municipal Government, Feng Xiaochun, Deputy Secretary of Party Working Committee of High-tech District and District Mayor of Xinwu District, Zuo Wei, Secretary of the Party Committee of Southeast University, President Zhang Guangjun and Vice President Jin Baosheng, etc. attended the conference. Comrades from relevant departments of Wuxi City, relevant departments and colleges of Southeast University, representatives of long-term cooperating industries, enterprises and institutions with the branch campus, leaders and faculty representatives who once worked at the branch campus, etc., over 200 members in total, participated in the event. The anniversary was presided over by Vice President Jin Baosheng.

At the meeting, Secretary Li Xiaomin and Secretary Zuo Wei jointly unveiled the National Demonstration Microelectronics College; Vice Mayor Liu Xia and Vice President Jin Baosheng signed the “Agreement on the Construction and Use of Wuxi International Campus of Southeast University” and “Wuxi Municipal People's Government and Southeast University Supports the Memorandum on Introduction of High-level Talents of National Demonstration Microelectronics College of Southeast University”.

In his speech, President Zhang Guangjun expressed his warm welcome to the leaders and guests present in the conference on behalf of the school, extended his cordial greetings and sincere wishes to all the alumni from home and abroad, teachers and students of Wuxi Campus, and expressed his heartfelt appreciations to all leaders, friends from all walks of life and international friends who have been always concerning and supporting the development of Wuxi Campus.  President Zhang pointed out that Wuxi Campus has been unswervingly implementing the national and regional economic and social development strategies for over three decades and has fully played the demonstrating and leading role in school-running cooperation; besides, the school has been constantly improving its talent training system to provide vigorous talent support to the national and regional economic and social development. Moreover, the school has continuously improved its science and technology service capacity to make active contributions to the economic transformation and upgrading of Wuxi City and the enterprises’ independent innovation; in addition, the campus has continuously inheriting the innovation culture, which has created the unique spiritual culture with the characteristics of Wuxi Campus. President Zhang stressed that Wuxi Campus cannot make its achievements in school running in the past 30 years without the cordial concerns and support of all previous municipal governments of Wuxi City. Right now, Wuxi Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have granted a new round of support to Wuxi Campus with its strategic vision and foresight, in particular, the construction of the 500-mu international campus would draw a grand blueprint for the campus’ future development.

President Zhang said that with the new mission in the new era, Wuxi Campus must make new achievements, unswervingly take root in Wuxi, serve Wuxi and constantly open up a new situation of integration. For this reason, President Zhang put forward three expectations for the future development of the branch campus: first, persist in high-end positioning, make their respective advantages complementary to each other and continue to promote the “double first-class” construction. Besides, the campus would continue to adhere to the school-running orientation of “three highs (high-level talent cultivation, high-level scientific research and high-tech achievements transformation) and one platform (the platform of serving local economic construction and social development)”, unswervingly follow the road of “high-end, international, localized and specialized school running; secondly, the campus would lay the roots in Wuxi and cooperate to achieve win-win situation, and continue to explore the new model of cooperation. Besides, the campus would accelerate the integration of the innovation chain and the industrial chain, deepen the integration of production, study and research to make contributes to constructing an intelligent Wuxi City, a smart city, and “Chinese Core” and “Intelligent Manufacturing in China”. Thirdly, the campus would adhere to international vision and global standing, and continue to deepen the international joint strategy. Moreover, the campus would accelerate the construction of a high-end international campus in line with Wuxi's industrial structure, endeavor to cultivate leading talents with a sense of patriotism and international vision to benefit human beings, and lead large projects and large teams to settle in Wuxi City. Finally, President Zhang expected that teachers and students of the branch campus would jointly undertake the mission of the times, share the same fate with Wuxi and write a magnificent chapter of strengthening the country by education, science and technology to realize great rejuvenation with joint efforts.

Zhu Aixun, Vice Mayor of Wuxi City, said in his speech that since the establishment in 1988, Southeast University, Wuxi has made abundant achievements surrounding the school-running orientation of “three highs and one platform” by vigorous efforts made in talent cultivation, scientific research, social services and international exchanges, etc.. Upon the conclusion of the new round cooperation agreement, leaders of Southeast University have attached great importance to the cooperation between both parties and provided vigorous guarantee to the smooth implementation of projects. Vice Mayor Zhu Aixun said that Wuxi City would go all out to support the construction of Wuxi International Campus of Southeast University, provide high-quality and efficient services in accordance with the agreement, and create a sound environment for school running. He asked relevant regions and departments of the city to resolutely implement the decision deployment of the municipal party committee and municipal government, spareno effort inpromoting the project implementation as soon as possible and fully exert its effects in accordance with the requirements of work division, and jointly build the campus to a demonstration model of joint school-running by higher education institution and local government, and also a successful model of deep integration of production, study and research. Finally, Vice Mayor Zhu Aixun emphasized that Wuxi City has been always expecting in-depth cooperation with Southeast University in terms of talent cultivation, technical development and transformation of achievements. It is hoped that Southeast University would bring about more high-quality school resources to Wuxi and provide more vigorous supports to Wuxi for becoming the high-quality development leader around bilateral cooperation projects between both parties.

At the meeting, Zhang Jiwen, Managing Vice President of Wuxi Campus, reported on the overall situation of the 30th anniversary of Southeast University, Wuxi. He reviewed the development process and achievements made in the past three decades, and depicted the thought and path of future development surrounding the new round of agreement on cooperation between the city and the school. Zhao Yang, a 2016 graduate student majoring in integrated circuit engineering from the Microelectronics College, spoke on behalf of the on-campus students. He said that the students of Southeast University with high sense of social responsibility would endeavor to realize powerful Chinese core. Professor Li Bing, spoke as a teacher representative, would continue to adhere to the pragmatic style of Southeast University, propose suggestions and make contributions to the branch campus in a more active manner as a teacher.

It is reported that Southeast University, Wuxi, established in 1988, is one of the branch campuses of three key universities firstly approved by the state. Over the past three decades, the campus and Wuxi City have achieved joint development in the tide of reform and opening up, which has not only made positive contributions to the economic and social development of Wuxi, but also realized development and expansion in the process of serving Wuxi. In March 2018, Southeast University and Wuxi Municipal People's Government signed the “Framework Agreement on the Cooperation in Constructing Wuxi Campus between Wuxi Municipal People's Government and Southeast University”, which thus opened a new round of strategic cooperation. Both the city and the school would be committed to exploring and practicing the “high-end, international, localized and specialized” path of school running. According to the newly-signed “Agreement on the Construction and Use of Wuxi International Campus of Southeast University”, both parties planned to upgrade Southeast University, Wuxi to Wuxi International Campus of Southeast University highlighting leading connotative quality, distinctive school-running features and outstanding service capabilities by 2025. Besides, Southeast University would cooperate with top 100 universities in the world with top 30 disciplines in Wuxi to establish 3-5 colleges, including National Demonstration Microelectronics College and 2-4 international united colleges. 

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