“5G Major Project” of National 863 Program Passed Acceptance at Southeast University

Publisher:吴婵Release time:2019-03-14Number of Views:602

On March 9, 5G major project of National 863 Program passed the acceptance by the High-tech Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology at Southeast University. Mei Jianping, Deputy Director of the High-tech Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Yuan Jianxiang, Deputy Director of the High-tech Research Center, Academician Wu Jiangxing, leader of the acceptance expert team and representatives from the participating research institutions, over 60 persons in total attended the meeting.

In the meeting, Professor You Xiaohu, leader and chief expert of the major project expert team reported the project progress. All the people present watched the achievements display including the 5G open platform as developed and the large-scale millimeter wave antenna array, etc., which passed the acceptance with unanimous agreement. It is highly appraised for the project's progress and the combination of production, education and research.

The 5G major project orients at the application demands of mobile communications after 2020, studies on such key technologies as 5G network system architecture, wireless networking, wireless transmission, new antennas and radio frequency, new spectrum development and utilization, the completion of performance evaluation and prototype system design, and the development of transmission technology tests. The successful implementation of this project will be of great significance to maintain China’s internationally leading position in the field of mobile communication technology, construct key communication infrastructure for the economic and social digitalized transformation, enhance the application level of information technology in China, accelerate the transformation of economic development mode and maintain stable economic development.

The 5G major project integrates the joint efforts of 65 colleges and universities, research institutes and leading enterprises in the communication field. Thanks to the combination of production, education and research, advantage supplementation and collaboration, more than 1,500 high-level research papers have been published with over 850 international and domestic invention patents applied, over 260 international and domestic standards proposals submitted, which have made great fundamental contributions to the research and development of China's 5G technology leading in the world.

Southeast University has played an important role in many subjects of this project. Among others, the National Key Laboratory of Mobile Communications and the National Key Laboratory of Millimeter Wave, engaged in several subjects thereof, have achieved important breakthroughs in terms of large-scale MIMO, densely distributed large-scale collaborative 5G transmission and 5G millimeter wave technology. Related results have been transferred to Huawei and ZTE. At the same time, they also took the initiative in completing IEEE 802.11aj (45GHz) international standards and the national standards for Q-band ultra-high-speed wireless LAN media access control and physical-layer specifications. 

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