Alumnus Yu Dunde, CEO of shared his feelings of striving for perfection in his entrepreneurial career

Publisher:吴婵Release time:2019-09-18Number of Views:350


Speaker: Yu Dunde (CEO of Nanjing Tuniu Technology Co., Ltd.)

Theme: Striving for perfection in my entrepreneurial career

When: 18:30, Sep. 18 (Wednesday)

Where:Humanities Lecture Hall (J3 105)

Hosted by: the Communist Youth League Southeast University Committee, School of Mathematics, Science Experiment Class (Gu Yuxiu Class), Southeast University National University Science & Technology Park

Co-hosted by: Southeast University’s Cultural Quality Education Center, the Communist Youth League of the School of Mathematics, the Communist Youth League of the School of Physics

About the speaker:

Yu Dunde, CEO of Tuniu, graduated from Southeast University, once won the honors and titles of “Nanjing Entrepreneurial Star” (2010-2011), “Nanjing Model Worker”, “Jiangsu Science & Technology Entrepreneurial Tutor”, “Leading Person in Nanjing Software Industry” and the third prize for Nanjing Science and Technology Advance Award, etc.. In 2014, he was awarded the title of the 15th “Top 10 Excellent Youths of Jiangsu Province”.

In November 2009, Tuniu Company established by him was ranked among Top 100 Asian Science & Technology Innovative Enterprises by “Red Herring”. In April 2011, accomplished its C-round financing of about USD50 million and successfully listed at U.S. NASDAQ on May 9, 2014.  

[Reasons for recommendation]

Mr. Yu Dunde is an excellent alumnus of Southeast University. established by him has been developed to the second largest online travel website in China and successfully listed at U.S. NASDAQ. Mr. Yu Dunde has also become the youngest founder and CEO of listed company in the field of tourism in China. His study and entrepreneurial career guided the freshmen to cherish the study time at university, do well in career planning and devote to innovation and entrepreneurialship.

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